Top "Java-time" questions

The java.

Java Date Format that allows - / or . as separators within date

What's the nicest way to parse a date that can be in one of the following formats "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm" "…

java simpledateformat date-format java-time datetime-parsing
Parsing a string into a ZonedDateTime with UTC timezone

How do you parse, using using the ThreeTen library (I can't use java 8) a string of the following format: 15 Aug 2014 …

java java-time threetenbp
Convert XMLGregorianCalendar in GMT to LocalDateTime Pacific time

I'm trying to convert XMLGregorianCalendar which is sent in GMT/UTC format to Java 8 LocalDateTime in America/Los_Angeles timezone …

java java-8 java-time date-conversion