Top "Java-time" questions

The java.

Can JAXB handle java.time objects?

I know JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) can marshal/unmarshal java.util.Date objects as seen in this answer …

java xml jaxb java-8 java-time
How to query JPA LocalDateTime field with a LocalDate value?

I search for a way to get a list of Objects created on a certain LocalDateTime date saved in the …

java jpa spring-data-jpa java-time spring-repositories
How to use java.time.ZonedDateTime / LocalDateTime in p:calendar

I had been using Joda Time for date-time manipulation in a Java EE application in which a string representation of …

jsf primefaces calendar timezone java-time
Java 8 Date equivalent to Joda's DateTimeFormatterBuilder with multiple parser formats?

I currently have a Joda date parser that uses the DateTimeFormatterBuilder with half a dozen different date formats that I …

java jodatime java-time
How make implicit Ordered on java.time.LocalDate

I want to use java.time.LocalDate and java.time.LocalDateTime with an implicit Ordered like: val date1 = java.time.…

scala implicit java-time localdate
How to parse an ISO date with LocalDateTime.parse(...)

I want to parse a date string like 2011-11-30 like this: LocalDateTime.parse("2011-11-30", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE) …

java datetime java-time iso localdatetime
How to get a java.time object from a java.sql.Timestamp without a JDBC 4.2 driver?

When retrieving a java.sql.Timestamp from a database via JDBC 4.1 or earlier, how does one obtain/convert to a …

java datetime jdbc java-time
Convert Instant to microseconds from Epoch time

In Instant there are methods: toEpochMilli which converts this instant to the number of milliseconds from the epoch of 1970-01…

java datetime java-8 epoch java-time
Spring boot + Jackson - Always convert dates to UTC

I'm saving the dates on my database without timestamp, so I want to standarize the way the dates are received …

java spring-mvc spring-boot java-time jackson2
Java 8 Date/Time (JSR-310) types mapping with Spring Data MongoDB

I have simple document with Java 8 date/time fields @Document public class Token { private Instant createdAt; ... } that I want to …

java java-8 spring-data spring-data-mongodb java-time