Top "Jackson2" questions

Use this tag only for questions specifically related to version 2 of the Jackson library

How to make default time zone apply in Spring Boot Jackson Date serialization

I have configured my Spring Boot application to serialize dates as ISO8601 strings: spring: jackson: serialization: write-dates-as-timestamps: false This is …

spring spring-mvc spring-boot jackson jackson2
Jackson, deserialize class with private fields and arg-constructor without annotations

It is possible to deserialize to a class with private fields and a custom argument constructor without using annotations and …

java json jackson jackson2 jackson-databind
How to use @JsonIdentityInfo with circular references?

I am trying to use the @JsonIdentityInfo from Jackson 2 as described here. For testing purposes I created the following two …

java json jackson circular-reference jackson2
What is the difference between ObjectNode and JsonNode in Jackson?

According to the documetation of JsonNode: Most mutators, however, need to be accessed through specific sub-classes (such as ObjectNode and …

java json jackson jackson2
Writing Java object instance to YAML using Jackson

I have a 'Example' Pojo class as mentioned below. Can any one tel to save instance of Example class to …

java jackson yaml jackson2 jackson-modules
Jackson , java.time , ISO 8601 , serialize without milliseconds

I'm using Jackson 2.8 and need to communicate with an API that doesn't allow milliseconds within ISO 8601 timestamps. The expected format …

java jackson java-time jackson-modules jackson2
Unexpected token (END_OBJECT), expected FIELD_NAME: missing property '@type'

I am getting below exception during deserialization , the guest profile is a nested object within the Root object (few levels …

jackson jackson-modules jackson2 jackson-databind
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError Using Jackson Core Streaming API

I am using Jackson Core version 2.8.3, but why do I keep getting java.lang.NoSuchMethodError? I am not using any …

java json jackson jackson2
Spring boot + Jackson - Always convert dates to UTC

I'm saving the dates on my database without timestamp, so I want to standarize the way the dates are received …

java spring-mvc spring-boot java-time jackson2
Mapping RestTemplate response to java Object

I am using RestTemplate get data from remote rest service and my code is like this. ResponseEntity<List<…

spring-boot resttemplate jackson2