Top "Jackson2" questions

Use this tag only for questions specifically related to version 2 of the Jackson library

Jackson's @JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.CUSTOM, include = As.PROPERTY, property = "type") reads all fields of JSON except for "type"

I stepped through each line of code, but I think it's how Jackson handles polymorphism internally. Using the classic example …

java json jackson jackson2
JsonIgnore on Field vs JsonIgnore on getter of a field in Jackson

What is the difference between JsonIgnore on Field vs JsonIgnore on a getter of a field in Jackson?

java java-8 jackson jackson2
Jackson error: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.lang.String` out of START_ARRAY token

Hey I have also problem here is my Json [ { "aimid": "12345" }, { "aimid": "333674" }, { "aimid": [ "4568999", "6789345" ] }] and This is my Pojo class:- @JsonProperty("…

java spring-boot pojo jackson-databind jackson2
Force Milliseconds When Serializing Instant to ISO8601 using Jackson

I have some questions related to JSON serialization using Jackson in a project where I use Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6, Spring …

java json spring spring-boot jackson2