Force Milliseconds When Serializing Instant to ISO8601 using Jackson

André Gasser picture André Gasser · Nov 27, 2017 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

I have some questions related to JSON serialization using Jackson in a project where I use Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6, Spring Framework 5.0.1.RELEASE and Jackson 2.9.2.

I have configured the following Jackson-related settings in


Serialization works mostly as I need. Nevertheless, I have noticed that Jackson seems to cut-off milliseconds if they are 000.

Test 1: Serialize Instant with milliseconds set to 000:

  • Initialize Instant field using Instant.parse("2017-09-14T04:28:48.000Z")
  • Serialize it using Jackson
  • Output will be "2017-09-14T04:28:48Z"

Test 2: Serialize Instant with milliseconds set to some non-000 value:

  • Initialize Instant field using Instant.parse("2017-09-14T04:28:48.100Z")
  • Serialize it using Jackson
  • Output will be "2017-09-14T04:28:48.100Z"


  • Is that behavior by design?
  • Is there anything I can do to force serialization of 000?


Gustavo picture Gustavo · Sep 24, 2019

I solve using this aproach:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JavaTimeModule module = new JavaTimeModule();
module.addSerializer(Instant.class, new InstantSerializerWithMilliSecondPrecision());

And for InstantSerializerWithMilliSecondPrecision i used this:

public class InstantSerializerWithMilliSecondPrecision extends InstantSerializer {

    public InstantSerializerWithMilliSecondPrecision() {
        super(InstantSerializer.INSTANCE, false, new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(3).toFormatter());

Now the Instant serialization always includes milliseconds. Example: 2019-09-27T02:59:59.000Z