Top "Java-time" questions

The java.

How do I get Wildfly to use additional Jackson Datatypes?

I'm getting this error 03:33:14,938 WARN [org.jboss.resteasy.core.ExceptionHandler] (default task-1) Failed executing PUT /individual/5a247ce9-0a73…

java jackson wildfly java-time
Checking if LocalDateTime falls within a time range

I have a time A which should fall within 90 minutes range of timeB (before and after). Example: if timeB is 4:00 …

datetime java-8 java-time localtime datetime-comparison
DateTimeFormatter Accepting Multiple Dates and Converting to One (java.time library)

I am trying to write a DateTimeFormatter that will allow me to take in multiple different String formats, and then …

java datetime datetime-format java-time datetime-parsing
How to construct ZonedDateTime from an Instant and a time string?

Given an object of Instant, a time string representing the time at a specific ZoneId, How to construct a ZonedDateTime …

java java-8 java-time zoneddatetime
Deserialize millisecond timestamp to java.time.Instant

I'm attempting to read a JSON file using Jackson and store one of the fields that is stored as a …

java serialization jackson deserialization java-time
Converting TimeUnit to ChronoUnit?

Java 8 introduced ChronoUnit which is largely equivalent to TimeUnit introduced in Java 5. Is there an existing function for converting a …

java java-time
DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE vs DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd") in Java 8+

I have a date I’ve created using"+2:00")).minusDays(5). Now I want to format it as …

java date-formatting java-time iso8601 localdate
Is there any consistent (monotonic) Clock implementation in Java?

The default java.time.Clock implementation is based on System.currentTimeMillis(). As discussed for example here, Monotonically increasing time in …

java java-8 java-time
JSR-310 - parsing seconds fraction with variable length

Is there a way how to create JSR-310 formatter that is able to parse both following date/times with variable …

java java-time