Top "Threetenbp" questions

ThreeTen-Backport is the backport of JSR-310 to Java SE 7. Questions about "java.

How to convert ZonedDateTime/OffsetDateTime to Date using ThreeTenABP?

Using the ThreeTen Android Backport library, what is the simplest way to convert a ZonedDateTime or OffsetDateTime into an old-school …

java android threetenbp threetenabp
How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project

I'm asking this question because I'm new to Java and Android and I searched for hours trying to figure this …

android datetime android-gradle-plugin threetenbp threetenabp
ThreeTen-Backport error on Android - ZoneRulesException: No time-zone data files registered

I'm using ThreeTen-Backport library for my Android project (because java.time is not yet implemented in android development). When I …

java android exception jsr310 threetenbp
how to convert from ZonedDateTime to Joda DateTime

I've switched to threeten for date times but I've still got a 3rd party tool that uses joda to write …

java jodatime threetenbp
How to convert LocalDateTime object into ISO string including time zone?

I am trying to convert a date/time string back and forth into a LocalDateTime object. I am using ThreeTenBp …

kotlin datetime-format threetenbp
How to fix ClassNotFoundException for org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime?

Collegues, I built my project using mvn clean package and receive next stacktrace: 10:12:06.713 INFO [main] org.hibernate.Version - HHH000412: …

java spring maven classnotfoundexception threetenbp
Parsing a string into a ZonedDateTime with UTC timezone

How do you parse, using using the ThreeTen library (I can't use java 8) a string of the following format: 15 Aug 2014 …

java java-time threetenbp