Top "Jsr310" questions

JSR 310: Date and Time API in Java JDK 8. Please use the [java-time] tag for questions relating to date & time in Java SE 8.

How to use LocalDateTime RequestParam in Spring? I get "Failed to convert String to LocalDateTime"

I use Spring Boot and included jackson-datatype-jsr310 with Maven: <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype</…

spring spring-boot spring-mvc java-time jsr310
Deserializing LocalDateTime with Jackson JSR310 module

I'm using the library described the Jackson Datatype JSR310 page but I'm still having difficulty getting it to work. I …

java jackson java-time jsr310
Jackson deserialization issue for ZonedDateTime

I've the following field in a class I use during deserialization of a service that I'm consuming. private ZonedDateTime transactionDateTime; …

java json spring jackson jsr310
How do I format a javax.time.Instant as a string in the local time zone?

How do I format a javax.time.Instant as a string in the local time zone? The following translates a …

java datetime formatting timezone jsr310
ThreeTen-Backport error on Android - ZoneRulesException: No time-zone data files registered

I'm using ThreeTen-Backport library for my Android project (because java.time is not yet implemented in android development). When I …

java android exception jsr310 threetenbp
Registering JacksonJsonProvider with ObjectMapper + JavaTimeModule to Jersey 2 Client

I'm trying to marshal response containing ISO formatted timestamp like that: { ... "time" : "2014-07-02T04:00:00.000000Z" ... } into ZonedDateTime field in …

java jackson jersey-2.0 jsr310
Can't serialize java.time.LocalDate as a String with Jackson

I am using spring-boot 1.2.1.RELEASE with jackson 2.6.2 including the jsr310 datatype. I am using the annotation @SpringBootApplication to kick off …

jackson spring-boot jsr310
How to abstract away java.time.Clock for testing purposes in Spring

I have a question with regards to the question Time dependent unit tests Let's say I build Spring application which …

java spring junit jsr310
How can I change Jacksons Configuration when using Spring Data REST?

I'm trying to configure Jackson to show JSR 310 instants in ISO 8601 format. @Configuration class Jackson { @Bean static ObjectMapper objectMapper() { ObjectMapper …

java jackson spring-boot spring-data-rest jsr310
java.time.LocalDate not supported in native queries by latest Spring Data/Hibernate?

Problem: Native queries with Spring Data returning dates return java.sql.Date not java.time.LocalDate, despite the setup. Context: …

spring-data spring-data-jpa hibernate-5.x localdate jsr310