Top "Ios-app-extension" questions

App extensions are a feature introduced in iOS 8 that allows apps to extend their functionality and become available to users while they're using other apps.

CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'App Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.0'

“I am going to upload the binary of my app which contains App Extension but it give errors that the …

ios8 provisioning-profile ios-app-extension bundle-identifier
iOS 8 Share extension loadItemForTypeIdentifier:options:completionHandler: completion closure not executing

I'm using the loadItemForTypeIdentifier:options:completionHandler: method on an NSItemProvider object to extract a url from Safari via a Share …

share swift ios8 ios-app-extension
iOS 8 action extension icon is blank on device (works in simulator)

Edit2: I've distilled the problem down to the simplest project I can. Here's the setup. I created a new single …

ios iphone ios8 ios-app-extension
iOS Extension - Fatal Exception: com.firebase.core Default app has already been configured

iOS Extension - Fatal Exception: com.firebase.core Default app has already been configured. I run the Fir.configure() in …

ios swift firebase ios-app-extension
Making share extension with custom layout

I want to develop ios share extention with custom callout. In apple documents To provide a custom compose view instead …

ios ios8 xcode6 ios-app-extension
How to know current interfaceOrientation in extension of iOS 8?

InterfaceOrientation of UIViewController is deprecated and the Document suggest to use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation], but there is no sharedApplication in …

ios ios8 ios-app-extension custom-keyboard
"Unable to Load" message in Today's Widget

I'm in between with my widget development. As we have already placed our app with widget integration. But in now …

ios ios-app-extension ios8-extension ios8-today-widget ios-extensions
Get the main app bundle from within extension

Is it possible to get the containing app's NSBundle from within an app extension? I would like to get the …

ios swift nsbundle ios-app-extension
What is the purpose of widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler in iOS 8 Today Widget?

Been looking around for an answer but everything seems vague or unclear. Anyways, just want to know what the purpose …

widget ios8 ios-app-extension
iOS 8 Today Extension not working on device

When I run my Today Extension on the simulator everything works fine and it displays the following as expected: However …

ios xcode ios8 ios-app-extension