CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'App Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.0'

jamil picture jamil · Sep 24, 2014 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

“I am going to upload the binary of my app which contains App Extension but it give errors that the

bundle Identifier of the containing app does not matching with theExtension App. CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'AppExtension' in SDK 'iOS 8.0' Provisioning profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“Profile Name”)has an AppID of “com.CompanyName.AppName” which does not match your bundle identifier “com.CompanyName.AppName.ExtensionName”

If we use the same Bundle Identifier then it gives error during the binary uploading.

     “The app extension is not signed with the valid Provisioning certificate”
    Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. 
Verify the embedded binary target's code sign settings match the parent app's.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.Thanks


honcheng picture honcheng · Sep 25, 2014

Each extension is a separate target just like the host app. If you have 3 extensions for example, you will need 4 bundle IDs each including the host app, and 4 provisioning profile each.

Each target has its own set of configuration, so if host app and extensions all support CloudKit, you need to turn CloudKit on for each app ID.

Just treat them as separate apps.