How to know current interfaceOrientation in extension of iOS 8?

Henry picture Henry · Aug 7, 2014 · Viewed 9.6k times · Source

InterfaceOrientation of UIViewController is deprecated and the Document suggest to use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation], but there is no sharedApplication in an extension of iOS 8.

As @Retro mentioned, in most circumstances, you can use self.traitCollection.verticalSizeClass or self.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass in a UIViewController to get orientation information.


Retro picture Retro · Aug 7, 2014

A UITraitCollection object provides details about the characteristics of a UIViewController object, which manages a set of views that make up a portion of your app’s interface. These characteristics, or traits, define the size class, display scale, and device idiom of the view controller. When a view controller is created, a trait collection is automatically created for that view controller.

You can create and modify a view controller’s trait collection to customize your app. The following methods create a new trait collection containing only the passed parameter:



