App extensions are a feature introduced in iOS 8 that allows apps to extend their functionality and become available to users while they're using other apps.
I add following code: - (IBAction)done { // Return any edited content to the host app. // This template doesn't do anything, …
ios ios8 ios-app-extensionI'm trying to build a photo App Extension in Xcode 6 Beta-6 that uses cocoapods libraries. The bridging header that Xcode …
swift ios8 cocoapods ios-app-extension xcode6-beta6Creating a Today widget and I am using UserDefaults(suiteName:) to persist some data. In the main application I am …
swift ios-app-extension today-extension userdefaults ios-app-groupI am starting an iOS 8 extension but I can't run it on my device. The error when trying to run …
ios xcode provisioning-profile ios-app-extension bundle-identifierI added a vanilla Today Application Extension and run with the new scheme created by XCode. After it finishes building ("…
ios ios-app-extension xcode6.1In Custom Keyboard Extension , we can't use `didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation` and sharedApplication. I need to detect portrait or landscape in …
ios8 ios-app-extension custom-keyboard uiinputviewcontrollerI am trying to archieve my app for submission however I am running into issues with code signing. Basically I …
ios xcode provisioning-profile ios-app-extensionIm implementing new iOS10 extension to use rich notifications. Im trying to test it on push notifications but is not …
ios apple-push-notifications ios10 ios-app-extension unnotificationserviceextensionIt's a new setting under "Build Options". What does it do? I can't seem to find any documentation about it. …
xcode swift xcode6 ios-app-extensionI'm a bit mixed up, since I changed the app name, Bundle Display name, and Bundle identifier name...and now …
xcode ios-app-extension ios8-today-widget bundle-identifier