Top "Interrupted-exception" questions

Handling InterruptedException in Java

What is the difference between the following ways of handling InterruptedException? What is the best way to do it? try{ //... } …

java multithreading exception-handling interrupted-exception
When does Java's Thread.sleep throw InterruptedException?

When does Java's Thread.sleep throw InterruptedException? Is it safe to ignore it? I am not doing any multithreading. I …

java multithreading sleep interrupted-exception interruption
How can I kill a thread? without using stop();

Thread currentThread=Thread.currentThread(); public void run() { while(!shutdown) { try { System.out.println(currentThread.isAlive()); Thread.interrupted(); System.out.println(…

java multithreading interrupted-exception interruption
In what cases does Future.get() throw ExecutionException or InterruptedException

My code snippet: ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); try { Task t = new Task(response,inputToPass,pTypes,unit.getInstance(),methodName,unit.getUnitKey()); …

java multithreading future executorservice interrupted-exception
Java interrupt thread when reading socket

Possible Duplicate: How to terminate a thread blocking on socket IO operation instantly? I have client run in thread want …

java multithreading sockets network-programming interrupted-exception
Thread with Lambda expression

I have an error at line 42 and 43 : Thread t1=new Thread(()->prod.test()); , Thread t2=new Thread(()-&…

java multithreading lambda interrupted-exception
Future.get() gets interrupted always with an InterruptedException

I have a WEIRD problem with Future.get() in Java. It returns always with an InterruptedException, however the weird thing …

java null get future interrupted-exception
Occasional InterruptedException when quitting a Swing application

I recently updated my computer to a more powerful one, with a quad-core hyperthreading processor (i7), thus plenty of real …

java concurrency multithreading java-2d interrupted-exception
Why must I wrap every Thread.sleep() call in a try/catch statement?

I am trying to write my first multi-threaded program in Java. I can't understand why we require this exception handling …

java interrupted-exception interruption
Future.cancel() method is not working

The code that I have creates a Callable instance and using ExecutorService a new thread is being created. I want …

java concurrency interrupt interrupt-handling interrupted-exception