Top "Interrupted-exception" questions

Does calling Thread.interrupt() before a Thread.join() cause the join() to throw an InterruptedException immediately?

Basically, what the question title says. Thread t = new Thread(someRunnable); t.start(); t.interrupt(); t.join(); //does an InterruptedException …

java multithreading concurrency interrupt interrupted-exception
Either re-interrupt this method or rethrow the "InterruptedException issue in sonar

In one of my method , interrupted exception and execution exception is coming. I put in try catch like this. try{ //…

java exception try-catch throws interrupted-exception
Is it OK to ignore InterruptedException if nobody calls interrupt()?

If I create my own thread (i.e. not a threadpool) and somewhere I call sleep or any other interruptible …

java multithreading exception-handling thread-safety interrupted-exception
Under what conditions will BlockingQueue.take throw interrupted exception?

Let us suppose that I have a thread that consumes items produced by another thread. Its run method is as …

java concurrency interrupted-exception
Extracting a process's exit code in the case of ThreadInterrupted

I have just created a process through an exec() call and I am now using its .waitFor() method. I need …

java multithreading process interrupted-exception
InterruptedException : what causes it?

There are interesting questions and answers regarding Java's InterruptedException, for example The Cause of InterruptedException and Handling InterruptedException in Java. …

java interrupted-exception
Need to semaphore.relase() if semaphore.acquire() gets InterruptedException?

From the Java java.util.concurrent.Semaphore docs it wasn't quite clear to me what happens if semaphore.acquire() blocks …

java semaphore interrupted-exception
Interrupted exception vs isInterrupted in a while loop

Assume that I have the following code: while(!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){ //do something Thread.sleep(5000); } Now Thread.sleep throws `InterruptedException …

java multithreading concurrency while-loop interrupted-exception
Difference between Software and Hardware Interrupts

I have recently started working on ARM Cortex Microcontrollers. While reading different articles over Internet, I usually found 2 common terms …

c embedded embedded-linux interrupt-handling interrupted-exception
Where to catch InterruptedException for Object.wait() with synchronized block?

As I understand this is very common snippet for multithreading in Java. boolean loaded = false; Object lock = new Object(); public …

java multithreading notify interrupted-exception