Top "Internet-explorer-8" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 8 is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 19 March 2009 for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

IE8 losing session cookies in popup windows

We have an ASP.NET application that uses Forms Auth. When users log in, a session ID cookie and a …

cookies internet-explorer-8 popup
How can I make "display: block" work on a <td> in IE?

Is there anything I can do to make IE display table cells as actual blocks? Given this style: table,tbody,…

html css internet-explorer internet-explorer-8
Why will this div/img not center in IE8?

I have a very simple holding page I built centering a div, anchor and image. For some reason it will …

html css internet-explorer-8
How to test in IE with Linux

Normally I have two computers to work on - my development machine, running Ubuntu, and a testing machine that has …

linux internet-explorer-8
getting access is denied error on IE8

I have a HTML form (upload.htm) with a HTML file upload control inside of it. <form id="frmupload" …

javascript file-upload internet-explorer-8 cross-domain access-denied
word-wrap:break-word not working in IE8

Can anyone please tell me why word-wrap: break-word will not work in IE8? I have this working in other browsers …

css internet-explorer-8 word-wrap
How do I disable the save password bubble in chrome using Javascript?

I need to be able to prevent the Save Password bubble from even showing up after a user logs in. …

javascript html angularjs google-chrome internet-explorer-8
How can I get IE8 to accept a CSS :before tag?

I have the following CSS code .editable:before { content: url(../images/icons/icon1.png); padding-right:5px; } this is used in …

css internet-explorer-8 pseudo-element css-content
IE8 and JQuery's trim()

I am making use of trim() like so: if($('#group_field').val().trim()!=''){ Where group_field is an …

jquery internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 trim
IE8 CSS @font-face fonts only working for :before content on over and sometimes on refresh/hard refresh

UPDATE: I've written a blog post about what I've learned about this issue. I still don't fully understand it, but …

css internet-explorer-8 font-face