Top "Internet-explorer-8" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 8 is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 19 March 2009 for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

How to set HTML content into an iframe

I have a HTML string <html> <body>Hello world</body> </html> and …

javascript html iframe internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-9
Twitter Bootstrap Responsive layout does not work in IE8 or lower

I developed a site using twitter bootstrap and it seems that the responsive layout part is broken in all IE …

twitter-bootstrap css internet-explorer-8 media-queries
onsubmit="return false" has no effect on Internet Explorer 7/8 (form is still submitted)

I have a form that will be submitted by javascript code triggered in "onsubmit" of the tag. Works fine on …

javascript forms internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-7 onsubmit
IE8 gradient filter not working if a background color exists

I'm trying to use the following CSS styles. They are working on most browsers, including ie7. However in ie8, the …

internet-explorer-8 filter css gradient rgba
How can I programmatically disable IE compatibility mode?

I have been stuck on this one for a while - I couldn't figure out why a website renders differently …

html xhtml internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-7
IE 8 Developer Tools not working In Windows?

I am using Internet Explorer 8, not by choice. I need to debug a script in it. However, no matter how …

internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 ie-developer-tools
How can I increase the bullet size in a li?

The bullets in IE8 are so small, I tried changing the font-size, but that didn't work. Code: <ul style="…

css internet-explorer-8 html-lists
How to fix Absolute Positioning In IE8?

In every browser I've used, except ie8, an absolutely positioned element can be positioned according to the closest parent with …

css internet-explorer-8 css-position
Internet Explorer 8 Developer Tools not displaying

Within the last day, in Internet Explorer 8, the developer tools window will not show up. When I hit F12 or …

How to make Internet Explorer 8 to support nth child() CSS element?

I want to give a zebra stripe effect to my table rows. In all other browsers it can be done …

css internet-explorer-8 compatibility css-selectors ie8-compatibility-mode