Top "Internet-explorer-8" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 8 is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 19 March 2009 for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

IE8 overflow:auto with max-height

I have an element which may contain very big amounts of data, but I don't want it to ruin the …

internet-explorer-8 overflow css not working in IE8?

This is the JavaScript I'm currently using:'/modules/mod_oneononechat/chatwindow.php?key='+key+'&…

javascript internet-explorer-8
Can't display PDF from HTTPS in IE 8 (on 64-bit Vista)

I have a home-grown HTTPS server that serves up simple files (it's embedded within my app). It works great -- …

internet-explorer pdf internet-explorer-8 https 64-bit
How can I set CSS only for specific IE browsers?

I have a CSS/jQuery Checkbox style script: The problem is, in current browsers in order …

css internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-7 internet-explorer-6
Manually Installing ActiveX component

I'm trying to view a surveillance camera system. The remote access is available through a website, and that website seems …

windows internet-explorer-8 activex cab
IE8 fix for background-size property? Retina Image

I am using the following CSS for Retina images and it works perfectly in FF, Chrome, Safari but not in …

css internet-explorer-8 background retina-display
Respond.JS Not Working in IE 8

For some reason it appears that respond JS isn't working. I am using Media Queries in IE 8 to change background …

internet-explorer css internet-explorer-8 media-queries respond.js
jQuery Validation not working in IE7 + IE8

I'm trying to use the jQuery Validation plugin on a form on my website. The form works in FF, Chrome, …

jquery internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-7 jquery-validate
How can I change the width of a Bootstrap 3 modal in IE8?

I have to support IE8. The modal itself works fine, but my attempts to resize it (which work fine in …

internet-explorer-8 modal-dialog twitter-bootstrap-3