Top "Internet-explorer-8" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 8 is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 19 March 2009 for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

getElementsByClassName() doesn't work in old Internet Explorers like IE6, IE7, IE8

The following code: var borderTds = document.getElementsByClassName('leftborder'); gives me an error message in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8: Object does not …

javascript internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-7 internet-explorer-6 dom-traversal
trim() function doesn't work in IE8?

Whenever I use the trim() function on a string, it works fine with Chrome and Firefox but I get an …

javascript internet-explorer internet-explorer-8
IE 8 iframe border

There is a border showing on an iframe and I can't get rid of it. IE 6 and 7 work as intended …

javascript html css iframe internet-explorer-8
IE8 native JSON.parse bug causes stack overflow

TL;DR: Adding any non-built-in functions to Array.prototype AND Function.prototype will cause the IE8 native JSON parser to …

json internet-explorer-8
How to programmatically turn off quirks mode in IE8 WebBrowser control?

I want to use IE8 as a WebBrowser control in a C# application. How can I disable "quirks mode" and …

c# internet-explorer-8 webbrowser-control standards-compliance quirks-mode
Force IE8 *not* to use Compatibility View

Just updated my site to newer, much more standards compliant design. My previous design was so rubbish that I had …

caching internet-explorer-8 cross-browser
jQuery round corner code for IE8 in standards mode?

I need a solution for round corners using javascript with or without jQuery in IE8 standards mode.

javascript jquery internet-explorer-8 rounded-corners
Javascript JSON Date parse in IE7/IE8 returns NaN

I'm parsing a date from a JSON event feed - but the date shows "NaN" in IE7/8: // Variable from JSON …

javascript date internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-7 utc
Hover effects not working with IE8

I used CSS for a color change on hover for a table #tabb tbody tr:hover td{ color:#006; background:#d0…

html css internet-explorer-8 hover doctype
Why can't I debug from Visual Studio 2005 after installing IE8?

I've just installed IE8 (final) and restarted. I can no longer debug Web Application Projects using Visual Studio 2005 on Windows … debugging visual-studio-2005 internet-explorer-8