Top "Inout" questions

How to write to inout port and read from inout port of the same module?

This is not about actually creating a verilog module with inout ports. There are tons of posts I've found about …

verilog inout
What does an ampersand (&) mean in the Swift language?

I know about the ampersand as a bit operation but sometimes I see it in front of variable names. What …

swift ampersand inout
Is that an in or in/out parameter? Doxygen, C++

If a pointer is passed to a function for read only, then this pointer is an IN parameter. If a …

documentation doxygen inout
Immutable value as inout argument

I would like to have a pointer as a parameter of a class. But when I am trying to code …

swift pointers inout
Replacing characters in a parameter string

I want to wipe an input string. Let's start with this: func foo(s: String) { s.replaceSubrange(0..<s.characters.…

swift string string-length inout
inout with reg type in verilog

I have used inout with c, but for c to be on the LHS of procedural assignment, it needs to …

verilog inout