Top "Inotifypropertychanged" questions

INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface defined in Microsoft .NET used to notify listeners of data changes made to an object.

BindableBase vs INotifyChanged

Does anyone know if BindableBase is still a viable or should we stick with INotifyChanged events? It seems like BindableBase …

c# wpf prism inotifypropertychanged
INotifyPropertyChanged and static properties

I'm tying myself in knots over a simple problem. I have a class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. Some of the instance …

c# .net static inotifypropertychanged
In MVVM model should the model implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface?

I have clear idea about View and ViewModel in MVVM pattern. I am planning to implement MVVM pattern in my …

.net wpf design-patterns mvvm inotifypropertychanged
How to detect if an item in my ObservableCollection has changed

I have a datagrid which is bound to ObservableCollection<Product>. When the grid is updated this automatically updates …

c# wpf wpfdatagrid inotifypropertychanged
How to let a parent class know about a change in its children?

This is an example code: public class MyParent : INotifyPropertyChanged { List<MyChild> MyChildren; public bool IsChanged { get { foreach (var …

c# wpf binding parent-child inotifypropertychanged
set xaml code ItemsSource="{Binding}" with code behind

I have the following property Temp2: (my UserControl implements INotifyPropertyChanged) ObservableCollection<Person> _Temp2; public ObservableCollection<Person> …

c# datacontext inotifypropertychanged itemssource
Implementing NotifyPropertyChanged without magic strings

Possible Duplicate: typesafe NotifyPropertyChanged using linq expressions I'm working on a large team application which is suffering from heavy use …

wpf binding .net-3.5 inotifypropertychanged
.NET WinForms INotifyPropertyChanged updates all bindings when one is changed. Better way?

In a windows forms application, a property change that triggers INotifyPropertyChanged, will result in the form reading EVERY property from …

c# .net winforms data-binding inotifypropertychanged
PropertyGrid doesn't notice properties changed in code?

I have a Winform application which uses colour to highlight certain things. I would like to allow the users to …

c# winforms data-binding inotifypropertychanged propertygrid
WPF Binding with INotifyPropertyChanged does not update

I appear to be having serious problems getting my WPF UI to update when I update when I update the …

wpf inotifypropertychanged