Top "Inotifypropertychanged" questions

INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface defined in Microsoft .NET used to notify listeners of data changes made to an object.

Good way to refresh databinding on all properties of a ViewModel when Model changes

Short Version If I update the Model object that my ViewModel wraps, what's a good way to fire property-change notifications …

wpf data-binding mvvm inotifypropertychanged
Create an event to watch for a change of variable

Let's just say that I have: public Boolean booleanValue; public bool someMethod(string value) { // Do some work in here. return …

c# .net event-handling microsoft-metro inotifypropertychanged
WPF DataGrid not updating on PropertyChanged

i've a problem updating my datagrid when clicking the button by using NotifyPropertyChanged. It works if i set the DataGrid.…

c# wpf data-binding wpfdatagrid inotifypropertychanged
List<string> INotifyPropertyChanged event

I have a simple class with a string property and a List property and I have the INofityPropertyChanged event implemented, …

c# wpf inotifypropertychanged propertychanged
ObservableDictionary for c#

I'm trying to use following implementation of the ObservableDictionary: ObservableDictionary (C#). When I'm using following code while binding the dictionary …

c# wpf dictionary binding inotifypropertychanged
Automatically INotifyPropertyChanged

Is there any way to automatically get notified of property changes in a class without having to write OnPropertyChanged in …

c# inotifypropertychanged
Is [CallerMemberName] slow compared to alternatives when implementing INotifyPropertyChanged?

There are good articles that suggest different ways for implementing INotifyPropertyChanged. Consider the following basic implementation: class BasicClass : INotifyPropertyChanged { public …

c# inotifypropertychanged callermembername
How do I refresh visual control properties (TextBlock.text) set inside a loop?

With each loop iteration, I want to visually update the text of a textblock. My problem is that the WPF …

wpf wpf-controls binding inotifypropertychanged
C#/WPF: PropertyChanged for all Properties in ViewModel?

I've a class like this: public class PersonViewModel : ViewModelBase //Here is the INotifyPropertyChanged Stuff { public PersonViewModel(Person person) { PersonEntity = person; } …

c# wpf inotifypropertychanged
Problem with WPF Data Binding Defined in Code Not Updating UI Elements

I need to define new UI Elements as well as data binding in code because they will be implemented after …

c# wpf data-binding inotifypropertychanged