Top "Include" questions

A provision that many programming languages provide to allow functionality defined in one file to be used in another.

Yii import or include

I encountered a problem about importing php files. Why this works: include( Yii::getPathOfAlias( 'ext.payu.payU').'.php' ); but …

include yii autoload
How can I use modules in web2py?

I have some functions in that I would like to access from my web2py controller called default.…

function module import include web2py
Get calling file name from include()

I want to get the name of the file that includes another file from inside the included file. I know …

php include include-path magic-constants
Difference between INCLUDE and modules in Fortran

What are the practical differences between using modules with the use statement or isolated files with the include statement? I …

module include fortran
How to include C++ headers in an Objective C++ header?

I have a .cpp/.hpp file combo -> the .hpp file has #include .. I also have a .mm/.h …

c++ ios import include objective-c++
What does the dot-slash do to PHP include calls?

A. What does this do? require ("./file.php"); B. in comparison to this? require ("file.php"); (Its not up-one-directory.. which …

php url include relative-path
Jinja2: How to use named blocks inside included templates, inside extendable template

I am having the Issue with Jinja2 Extend and Import. base_admin.html <html> <body> <…

python inheritance include jinja2 extend
Implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::__1::array<int, 3>'

I copy and pasted this exact code, found here into my IDE, and got an error, I don't understand why …

c++ arrays include stdarray
controlling which project header file Xcode will include

My Xcode project builds to variations of the same product using two targets. The difference between the two is only …

xcode include search-path
C++ trying to use #ifndef and #include statements

Ok, so I'm a HTML/Javascript/PHP professional, but I'm trying to learn C++. I'm still a newbie at it, …

c++ include compiler-errors g++ ifndef