iCloud is a web service from Apple Inc.
Normally, the behavior with UIDocumentPicker is that you present, then the user must use the "Locations" menu on the top …
ios objective-c ios8 icloud driveI'm having a problem integrating iCloud with my app. When I set test out iCloud availability, I receive Success for …
iphone icloud nsubiquitouskeyvaluestoreI'm developing an iCloud-enabled app where users will be able to import and export files via iCloud Drive. When browsing …
icloud ios8 entitlements icloud-api info-plistI am working on file sharing on my iOS App, I am new to UIDocumentPickerViewController. I do not know why …
ios xcode icloud icloud-drive uidocumentpickervcI accidentally created a new container in CloudKit, and it is really annoying that it comes up when I open …
icloud dashboard cloudkitI want to open UIDocumentPickerViewController and It should allow user to select all type of files. I tried to mention …
ios objective-c icloud uidocumentpickervcTrying to figure the path to the images with swift code. I got this that I think works in objective …
ios objective-c swift path icloudI'm trying to get PhAsset object. I want to segregate iCloud assets. Here is my code, PHFetchResult *cloudAlbums = [PHAssetCollection fetchAssetCollectionsWithType:…
ios icloud photosframework phasset