Top "Icloud" questions

iCloud is a web service from Apple Inc.

Can Git and iCloud Drive be effectively used together?

In the same flavor as this question, are there any possible complications that can arise when using the two services …

git github version-control cloud icloud
Does UUID getting changed for some cases

I am using user's device UUID to get unique device. NSString *currentUUIDString = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; I know that UUID …

ios icloud uuid keychain uniqueidentifier
CoreData and iCloud

I am developing a core data application and was thinking of adding iCloud support, but after looking around on the …

ios cocoa-touch core-data icloud
UIManagedDocument example / tutorial

I have been trying very unsuccessfully to create a simple UIManagedDocument library style application (separate documents saved to iCloud). I …

iphone objective-c core-data icloud uimanageddocument
CloudKit: Fetch all records with a certain record type?

I have currently got CloudKit set up in my app so that I am adding a new record using the …

ios icloud cloudkit ckrecord
Reading Apple/iCloud calendar data using PHP/CalDAV

I'm attempting to quickly find free/busy time by fetching the calendar events for an iCloud calendar via CalDAV. I'm …

php calendar icloud caldav
MPMediaItem and iTunes Match

I have an app that uses the iPod Library API to access the song database in iOS. With the release …

objective-c ios core-audio ipod icloud
iCloud Calender and task in Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning

Does anyone know how i can get the calender and tasks from iCloud to Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning - and tey …

calendar synchronization task icloud thunderbird-lightning
iOS Simulator - Can't log in with iCloud

I am trying to test the iCloud sync functionality of my app between a (real) device and the simulator, however …

ios ios-simulator icloud
Can you sync CoreData with iCloud?

does anyone know if and how you can sync CoreData apps with iCloud? If I understand the Apple iCould instructions …

cocoa core-data microsoft-sync-framework icloud data-synchronization