iCloud is a web service from Apple Inc.
In the same flavor as this question, are there any possible complications that can arise when using the two services …
git github version-control cloud icloudI am using user's device UUID to get unique device. NSString *currentUUIDString = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; I know that UUID …
ios icloud uuid keychain uniqueidentifierI am developing a core data application and was thinking of adding iCloud support, but after looking around on the …
ios cocoa-touch core-data icloudI have been trying very unsuccessfully to create a simple UIManagedDocument library style application (separate documents saved to iCloud). I …
iphone objective-c core-data icloud uimanageddocumentI have an app that uses the iPod Library API to access the song database in iOS. With the release …
objective-c ios core-audio ipod icloudDoes anyone know how i can get the calender and tasks from iCloud to Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning - and tey …
calendar synchronization task icloud thunderbird-lightningI am trying to test the iCloud sync functionality of my app between a (real) device and the simulator, however …
ios ios-simulator iclouddoes anyone know if and how you can sync CoreData apps with iCloud? If I understand the Apple iCould instructions …
cocoa core-data microsoft-sync-framework icloud data-synchronization