Top "Icloud" questions

iCloud is a web service from Apple Inc.

Using iCloud in iOS Simulator

In my App, when I try to run code in the iOS Simulator: NSURL *iCloudURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:@"…

ios5 icloud ios-simulator
UIDocumentPickerViewController returns url to a file that does not exist

I'm using UIDocumentPickerViewController to let the user select a file from iCloud Drive for uploading to the backend. Most of …

ios icloud icloud-drive uidocumentpickervc
iOS 5.0.1 : How to verify that the folder is marked as "Do not back up" for iCloud?

I want to set Do not back up to my folder which is in Document Directory. I found code for "…

iphone ios ios4 icloud
Can I use iCloud to sync the NSUserDefaults plist file

I was wondering if it was possible to use iCloud to sync an app's preferences file between devices. The preference …

ios cocoa-touch ios5 sync icloud
How do I access my iCloud Drive folder from Terminal?

I'm running OS X Yosemite. I would like to save my code folder in iCloud Drive so that it's automatically …

terminal icloud osx-yosemite
Check if User is Logged into iCloud? Swift/iOS

Is there a way for me to check and see if a user is logged into iCloud when they open …

ios swift icloud cloudkit
Add the “iCloud containers” entitlement to your App ID

I am trying to fix this issue for hours now. I have checked the App ID and confirmed the iCloud …

ios xcode icloud ios-provisioning app-id
How to check if iCloud is configured programmatically

Here is the sentence from Apple Docs: "If iCloud is not configured, ask users if they want to configure it (…

iphone icloud
Method for downloading iCloud files? Very confusing?

I have basic iCloud support in my application (syncing changes, making ubiquitous, etc.), but one crucial omission so far has …

objective-c ios macos icloud
CloudKit - no server-side logic?

With CloudKit, you can focus on your client-side app development and let iCloud eliminate the need to write server-side application …

ios icloud cloudkit