Top "Ibeacon" questions

iBeacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, also known as Bluetooth Smart) transmitters that notify nearby receivers, such as a smart phone, of their presence for the purposes of proximity sensing.

Android AltBeacon Background Service Ranging

I am working on a bluetooth app using the AltBeacon library. It seems that only on instance of the BeaconManager …

java android bluetooth ibeacon altbeacon
Cordova failed to install 'cordova-plugin-whitelist': Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory AndroidManifest.xml

I have Cordova 8.0.0 on OSx 10.13.2 with Node v8.5.0 and npm v5.5.1. After adding plugin cordova-plugin-ibeacon, when I do a cordova …

android cordova build ibeacon
Raspberry iBeacon not detecting

I recently was trying to configure ibeacon on a BLE dongle (cambridge silicon radio) on a raspberry pi. Reference: http://…

bluetooth raspberry-pi bluetooth-lowenergy bluez ibeacon
Detecting beacons via iBeacon Monitoring & Ranging vs CoreBluetooth scanForPeripheralsWithServices

There is a lot of confusion regarding the restrictions that are applied by the iOS on apps that want to …

ios bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth ibeacon
CoreBluetooth advertising in background on iOS 10

First: I have an iPad Air 2, and an iPhone 7. For further reading we estimate that the app is active and …

ios bluetooth ibeacon core-bluetooth ios10
iBeacon background scanning

I've written my own little BLE scanning service that is triggered via an alarm every 3-5 seconds. It scans for 1.1 …

android ibeacon ibeacon-android
iBeacon region monitoring AND proximity for >20 beacons?

I have been working on a prototype iOS app utilizing iBeacons to provide location-relevant information to office employees depending on …

ios ibeacon
Can't detect iBeacon in iOS 8

I've followed online tutorials from AppCoda and Devfright to create an iBeacon detection app. I'm using an iBeacon from estimote, …

ios ibeacon ios8 estimote
Can I read iBeacon data using Arduino?

I am using an HM-10 module and Arduino UNO. My requirement is to read data from ibeacons near me using …

arduino ibeacon hm-10