Top "Altbeacon" questions

The Open and Inter-operable Proximity Beacon Specification.

Is this the correct layout to detect iBeacons with AltBeacon's Android Beacon Library?

I have successfully modified the reference implementation app of the Android Beacon Library using the following beacon layout, so that …

ibeacon-android altbeacon
Prompting for location permission when NOT monitoring in background?

I'm using the Android Beacon Library. Since Marshmallow, I am seeing the following error, as expected and documented. Permission denial: …

android android-6.0-marshmallow ibeacon-android altbeacon
What exactly is txPower for Bluetooth LE and how is it used?

I am trying to understand what exactly txPower is and how to use it, since I am planning to develop …

android bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon ibeacon-android altbeacon
Android BTLE -> Cannot find callback wrapper

I am using Android Beacon Library in my app and I copied, word for word, their example for ranging but …

android altbeacon android-ibeacon
AltBeacon setBeaconLayout()

I would like to know what the Beacon Code stands for. I mean, as far as I know it should …

android altbeacon
What is the correct BeaconLayout for Estimote and Gimbal beacons

I would like the 2.0 release of the Android Beacon Library to be able to properly detect both old style Estimote …

android ibeacon-android altbeacon
Correct layout to detect Kontakt Beacon on Android with AltBeacon

I'm trying to detect a Kontakt Beacon with the following BeaconLayout: setBeaconLayout("m:8-9=0215,i:10-13,i:14-15,i:16-17,…

android ibeacon altbeacon
Android AltBeacon library: how to find the beacon layout?

I'm testing with a new type of beacon, and this is what I got from the debug: onScanResult() - ScanResult{…

android ibeacon altbeacon
Android AltBeacon Background Service Ranging

I am working on a bluetooth app using the AltBeacon library. It seems that only on instance of the BeaconManager …

java android bluetooth ibeacon altbeacon