Top "Ibeacon" questions

iBeacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, also known as Bluetooth Smart) transmitters that notify nearby receivers, such as a smart phone, of their presence for the purposes of proximity sensing.

Using hcitool to set ad packets

There is a well known blog post going around on how to set a usb bluetooth 4 dongle to be an …

bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon bluez hci
Can an iOS7 device act as an iBeacon?

Can an iOS7 device act as an iBeacon and figure out when other iOS7 devices come in its range? Do …

ios ios7 bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon
How to wake up iOS app with bluetooth signal (BLE)

When using the BLE with CoreBluetooth (no iBeacon), is there a way to wake an app that is not running …

ios bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth ibeacon cbcentralmanager
UUID and MACAddress for Bluetooth BLE

I must confess I am a newbie when it comes to BLE 4.0, and I want to understand what comprises a …

android uuid bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon
Combine iBeacon bluetooth low energy with Android 4.3

I'm looking for a way to detect iBeacon (iOS 7.0 feature) from an Android device. I read the Android documentation, where …

android ios7 bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon ibeacon-android
locationManager:didEnterRegion not called when a beacon is detected

While testing with beacons (iOS devices) I found the listener beacon giving some unexpected behavior. locationManager:didEnterRegion method is not …

ios core-location core-bluetooth ibeacon
Estimating distance to iBeacon on iOS

I'm trying to estimate the distance from an iOS device to an iBeacon. I am aware that distance estimation is …

ios ibeacon
Gimbal beacon discovery

Is it possible to discover Gimbal beacons using the iOS SDK? I want to use simple ranging but I don't …

ios bluetooth ibeacon
What exactly is txPower for Bluetooth LE and how is it used?

I am trying to understand what exactly txPower is and how to use it, since I am planning to develop …

android bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon ibeacon-android altbeacon
iPhone OS does not match app deployment version

I am using the Xcode 7.0 beta, trying to use iBeacon thing. I don't have developer account, but heard the beta …

ios iphone xcode ibeacon