iBeacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, also known as Bluetooth Smart) transmitters that notify nearby receivers, such as a smart phone, of their presence for the purposes of proximity sensing.
Is there any way to use ibeacons with Windows 10 development? Since ibeacons development with previous versions of Windows seemed nearly …
windows ibeacon windows-10How do you retrieve the advertising payload for a Bluetooth LE emitter in linux? Specifically, I've configured arduino's and R-PI's …
linux bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon bluezI have 2 phones with Android 5.0.2, they both installed the latest Radius Beacon's App: Locate Beacon, meanwhile, I turned on 2 IBeacon …
android bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon indoor-positioning-systemFor my project I need to estimate the distance between a Smartphone and a bluetooth module. The Estimation doesn't have …
android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon rssiThe number of questions on SO related to iBeacon and its background capabilities is increasing and there is some confusion …
ios7 core-bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeaconI'm using the air locate example and monitoring for iBeacons by uuid only. When I get the entered region event, …
iphone ibeaconI would like to track a large number of beacons (~500) at once within a 50-100 m radius via an app …
bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeaconI am working with iBeacons and using the AltBeacon library. beaconManager.getBeaconParsers() .add(new BeaconParser() .setBeaconLayout("m:2-3=0215,i:4-19,…
android ibeaconI am currently attempting the Raspberry Pi iBeacon tutorial posted by RadiusNetworks at http://developer.radiusnetworks.com/2013/10/09/how-to-make-an-ibeacon-out-of-a-raspberry-pi.html but …
raspberry-pi bluetooth-lowenergy bluez ibeaconThe Sensor advertises these Bluetooth LE Packages: > 04 3E 26 02 01 03 01 B8 AB C0 5D 4C D9 1A 02 01 04 09 09 38 42 42 41 43 34 39 44 07 16 09 18 47 08 00 FE 04 16 0F 18 5B B3 &…
bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon gatt