Top "Httpserver" questions

An HTTP Server is any application which receives requests via the HTTP protocol and sends back the corresponding response to fulfill the request.

I can't find the apache http server msi installer

I really can't find the apache http server msi. All links lead to this page:…

apache httpserver
http-server command not found

I'm trying to run a basic http-server to test out some html files and I keep running into the same …

node.js httpserver
Http-Server Command Not Found After Install in NPM

i installed http-server with npm globally but still I get "command not found" what is wrong my npm command is …

node.js npm httpserver
How to obtain the query string in a GET with Java HttpServer/HttpExchange?

I am trying to create a simple HttpServer in Java to handle GET requests, but when I try to get …

java get query-string httpserver
Local server not reflecting updated files

I'm fairly new at user local servers. I'm using the http-server which is a package from Node. I'm using it …

node.js phaser-framework httpserver
How to serve any file type with Python's BaseHTTPRequestHandler

Consider the following example: import string,cgi,time from os import curdir, sep from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer class MyHandler(…

python httpserver
BaseHTTPRequestHandler with custom instance

this is my http server: from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer class test: def show(self): return "aaaa" class http_server: …

python httpserver basehttpserver requesthandler basehttprequesthandler
Java class for embedded HTTP server in Swing app

I wish to embed a very light HTTP server in my Java Swing app which just accepts requests, performs some …

java httpserver
Eclipse cant recognize package

I have a home-work to create a http server with java , a simple one and from scratch . After searching google …

java eclipse import package httpserver
node js listen EADDRINUSE error for simple httpserver

I have simple node js http server. var http = require("http"); http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/…

node.js httpserver