Top "Httpserver" questions

An HTTP Server is any application which receives requests via the HTTP protocol and sends back the corresponding response to fulfill the request.

Restart Go's net/http server on file-change like Django

I'm trying out Martini, which adds some nice functionality upon Go's basic net/http package. I was wondering tho. How …

go httpserver martini
SimpleHTTPServer launched as a thread: does not daemonize

I would like to launch a SimpleHTTPServer in a separate thread, while doing something else (here, time.sleep(100)) in the …

python httpserver
Serve a file from Python's http.server - correct response with a file

I am simply trying to serve a PDF file from the http.server. Here is my code: from http.server …

python-3.x servlets httpserver simplehttpserver basehttpserver
Angular2 "No provider for t!" and Uncaught (in promise): Error: DI Error

I've build a app in Angular 2, and have encountered a issue. I have used angular CLI to create my application, …

angular httpserver angular2-aot
Error when serving npm http-server through terminal. (Error 404)

I have been trying to run a local http server for my HTML files after figuring out that the problem …

html angularjs node.js httpserver
Why isn't this go HTTP server spawning a goroutine per request in Chrome 47?

Previously titled: How to spawn goroutine per HTTP request? The code below is a simple HTTP server that echos the …

go concurrency httpserver
Does empty "Expect:" header mean anything?

Many libraries include Expect: 100-continue on all HTTP 1.1 POST and PUT requests by default. I intend to reduce perceived latency …

ajax web httpserver http-1.1 http-status-code-100
Get POST Data from HttpExchange

This seems like such a common use case that there ought to be a simple solution, yet everywhere I look …

java http httpserver http-post-vars