Top "Httplistener" questions

Programmatically controlled HTTP protocol listener.

HttpListener Server Header c#

I am trying to write a C# http server for a personal project, i am wondering how i can change …

c# http httplistener
Httplistener and file upload

I am trying to retrieve an uploaded file from my webserver. As the client sends its files through a webform (…

c# parsing streamreader httplistener httplistenerrequest
HTTPListener not working over network

I tried creating a simple HTTP server using System.Net.HTTPListener, but it doesn't receive connections from other computers in …

c# .net httplistener
Alternative to HttpListener?

I'm developing an application that is so far using HttpListener to provide a small standalone http server. However, I've recently …

.net cassini httplistener
How to process multiple connections simultaneously with HttpListener?

In the application that I build, there is a need for webserver that can serve, simultaneously, multiple clients. For that …

c# asynchronous httplistener
"Specified network name is no longer available" in Httplistener

I have built a simple web service that simply uses HttpListener to receive and send requests. Occasionally, the service fails …

web-services network-programming httplistener
Is it possible to call HttpListener.GetContext with a timeout?

According to the HttpListener reference, a call to HttpListener.GetContext will block until it gets a HTTP request from a …

c# httplistener
c++ rest sdk http_listener as a network server

How to configure http_listener to listen on my ip address so other computers on the network can send requests …

c++ rest httplistener casablanca
How to receive http-requests with Windows Service

I'm new at winservice developing. I need to create service, that will contain some functions and api: it should do …

http windows-services httplistener
.NET HttpListener: when registering both HTTP & HTTPS I get "conflicts with an existing registration on the machine"

I'm trying to use .NET HttpListener in a C# project. When I register my prefix "http://*:8080/" it does not seem …

.net httplistener