I'm developing an application that is so far using HttpListener to provide a small standalone http server. However, I've recently discovered that HttpListener needs to be run as Administrator, which is not always going to be possible.
What would the best alternative be? I need http GET and POST, both of which are not simply reading/writing files on the filesystem, they need to run custom .Net code.
My research so far has brought up Cassini, but as far as I can tell, I would have to write a custom version. Is there anything else? In partiular something with the same interface as HttpListener, but that does not require Administrator privileges would be amazing!
One alternative that I've found is C# Webserver on CodePlex.
"... a flexible http server which can be embedded in any .Net application. It has a modular design where features are added using modules. The server also supports REST and all http verbs ..."
It has an HttpListener class which I imagine is similar to System.Net.HttpListener, but I haven't used either one of them yet so I can't be certain.