Top "Httplistener" questions

Programmatically controlled HTTP protocol listener.

Does HttpListener work well on Mono?

I'm looking to write a small web service to run on a small Linux box. I prefer to code in …

c# mono httplistener
Use HttpListener for a production caliber web server?

Is it realistic to use the C# .Net class HttpListener as the foundation for a production caliber web server? The …

c# .net webserver httplistener
CORS access for HttpListener

I have a C# console app, running an HttpListener, and my clients are getting denied because of CORS. How do …

c# cors httplistener
Starting multiple HTTP listeners on IIS using C#.NET 2.0

I have two windows services running on the same machine. Both the services uses private HttpListener listener; I specify the …

exception iis-6 listeners httplistener
Simple Web Server: The format of the specified network name is invalid

I'm having a problem with a simple web server that I am writing. I need to be able to connect …

c# httplistener
Simple Task-returning Asynchronous HtppListener with async/await and handling high load

I have created the following simple HttpListener to serve multiple requests at the same time (on .NET 4.5): class Program { static …

c# .net http httplistener
How to parse a raw HTTP response as HttpListenerResponse?

If I have a raw HTTP response as a string: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 07:28:30 GMT Expires: -1 Cache-Control: private, …

c# proxy httpresponse socks httplistener
What causes a HttpListener HTTP 503 error?

So, we have a large program which uses HttpListener for a small remote admin feature. For reasons I don't understand, …

c# httplistener
How do I make sure that my windows impersonation level is valid?

I am dealing with a nasty issue that has me ready to tear my hair out. I have a C# …

c# visual-studio impersonation httplistener
C# http listener not listening on localhost, only works with FQDN

(Please remove the close votes. IMHO this is a valid question, all necessary information is provided and yet tried to …

c# http httplistener