Top "Html5-canvas" questions

Canvas is an HTML element that allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes, 3D shapes, bitmap images and animations in both 2D and 3D.

Smooth Canvas Animation

I'm trying to learn how to create smooth JavaScript animations using HTML5's canvas. For some reason, the animation is …

javascript animation webkit html5-canvas game-loop
Fabric.js - problem with drawing multiple images zindex

I'm using this script: var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('game_canvas', { selection: false }); fabric.Image.fromURL('images/bg.jpg', function(…

html html5-canvas drawimage fabricjs
How to anti-alias clip() edges in html5 canvas under Chrome Windows?

I'm using the clip() function on a canvas. Results: As you can see the chrome version has horrible jaggies / aliasing …

html google-chrome html5-canvas clip
Strange HTML5 Canvas drawImage behaviour

I am writing some code that uses HTML5 canvas. Generally it works well, but now I found a very strange …

html html5-canvas scaling drawimage
Lines with easelJS using Ticker

I started learning html5 and easelJS two days ago, and I'm working on a game. Now I ran into some …

html drawing html5-canvas easeljs ticker
Capturing an image from a webcam

I'm attempting to randomly capture an image from a webcam and then save it to my server, right now i'm …

html cross-browser html5-canvas getusermedia
A glow effect on html5 canvas?

Is it possible to add a glow effect to an already drawn canvas without having to calculate it myself? (Using …

javascript html5-canvas glow
Slow performance in OpenLayers 3 when panning with 500 features

I'm building an application for mapping features onto an image layer depicting a floor plan (using OL's ImageStatic layer). Each …

javascript performance svg html5-canvas openlayers-3
canvas.toDataURL() returns a black image

We are developing a sample three.js application which shows a thumbnail. For any scene that we create, we require …

javascript html html5-canvas webgl todataurl
Saving canvas to image via canvas.toDataURL results in black rectangle

Im using Pixi.js and trying to save a frame of the animation to an image. canvas.toDataUrl should work, …

javascript canvas html5-canvas webgl pixi.js