An HTML user interface element for choosing one or more option(s) from a finite collection of options.
I have a select box that I want to be aligned to the right, but I want to keep the …
html css html-select directionI have a script that replaces a select box with a set of styled divs by hiding the select box …
jquery html-select propHow do I do it? I've tried setting the tabindex attribute to no avail.
html firefox html-select htmlbuttonHere is my complete testing code,which failed to get the value: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD …
jquery html-select selectedvalueI am trying to alter the background color of a table cell if the selected item in a dropdown is …
javascript html-select parent-nodeI have an array called tmp var tmp = ["05", "13", "27"]; if an option value is equal to a value within tmp, I …
javascript jquery drop-down-menu html-select optgroupIn iOS 8.0, Apple introduced a new bug in Safari on iPhone, which I think is very serious when using multiple &…
ios iphone safari ios8 html-selectIn ASP.Net MVC I am opening one view from another view. The first view sends two values to the … textbox html-select actionlink html.textboxforI'm getting a weird behavior with a dropdownlist when I trigger a postback. If the dropdownlist is enabled, the selected … postback html-select disabled-controlThe "required" validation is working for form but is not working for the same form if I move the option …
html validation html-select required