Top "Hql" questions

Use this tag for questions concerning "Hibernate Query Language" (HQL), a query language used by Hibernate and NHibernate.

Hive Partition recovery

How to recover partitions in easy fashion. Here is the scenario : Have 'n' partitions on existing external table 't' Dropped …

hive hdfs hql hadoop-partitioning
Is there any easy way to convert Criteria to HQL?

I have posted a question few days ago about Querying on collections with the Criteria API and after all the …

.net nhibernate hql criteria
Compare two dates based on year-month, taking no notice of day

I need to be able to compare two dates, only based on the year and the month (i.e. without …

java date compare hql date-comparison
Hibernate SQL transformation fails for Enum field type

I am using a SQL query and then transforming the result using Hibernates's Transformers.aliasToBean(). One of the columns in …

sql hibernate enums hql transformation
Duplicates using left join fetch

I'm using a HQL query to obtain certain records. If I use LEFT JOIN FETCH a collection which is in …

hibernate jpa hql left-join fetch