Top "Hql" questions

Use this tag for questions concerning "Hibernate Query Language" (HQL), a query language used by Hibernate and NHibernate.

Performing Date/Time Math In HQL?

I'm looking how to perform date/time math within an HQL query. Specifically, how do I add or subtract (x) …

hibernate datetime hql
Join without association in HQL

Lets say I have two tables(A, B) like: A {id, a, c} B {id, b, c} I have also …

hibernate join hql
Can HQL Select on the result set of another query?

Can HQL Select on the result set of another query? For example: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM Table) I can …

java hibernate subquery hql
How to change to case of a column to Upper in HQL Hibernate

I want to change a column from a table to uppercase before using like and filtering what is the keyword …

hibernate hql
getting first row of table by criteria query

How can I get the first row of a table by using criteria or HQL query? Table creation script CREATE …

hibernate hql hibernate-criteria
Why does Hibernate execute multiple SELECT queries instead of one when using @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN)

I've got the following query which I expect to run in a single select request: @NamedQuery(name=Game.GET_GAME_…

java hibernate jpa hql fetch
Why can't hive recognize alias named in select part?

Here's the scenario: When I invoke hql as follows, it tells me that it cannot find alias for u1. hive&…

hadoop hive hql
How to implement pagination in spring boot with hibernate

I am using spring boot with hibernate and I want to use pagination in my project. I have searched on …

java hibernate pagination spring-boot hql
Update several Columns in one Hibernate Query?

i have the Following HQL: String hql = "UPDATE Buchung as b " + "set STORNO = :Storno " + "where ID = :BuchungID"; Is it possible …

hibernate nhibernate hql
Hibernate - HQL pagination

This is a problem similar to: HQL - row identifier for pagination I'm trying to implement pagination using HQL. I …

hibernate pagination hql