Top "Hql" questions

Use this tag for questions concerning "Hibernate Query Language" (HQL), a query language used by Hibernate and NHibernate.

Hibernate/JPA: How to force implicit joins to use LEFT OUTER JOINS

There is a class Offer that has optional relationship to class Article. So that some offers article property holds a …

hibernate jpa hql outer-join jql
java hibernate: selecting the discriminator column in polymorphic hql query

In hibernate, I want to select the discriminator value. Something like select discriminator, id, name, age from Animal The idea …

java sql database hibernate hql
Does HQL have an equivalent for Restrictions.ilike (for case-insensitive matching)?

I wrote a project for Hibernate+MySQL. Now I'm porting it to Derby (for a number of reasons). Now I …

java sql hibernate hql derby
Ignore a FetchType.EAGER in a relationship

I have a problem with EAGERs relationships in a big application. Some entities in this application have EAGER associations with …

java hibernate jpa hql jpql
HQL recursion, how do I do this?

I have a tree structure where each Node has a parent and a Set<Node> children. Each Node …

java hibernate orm recursion hql
Max date in an nHibernate HQL query

I am having some difficultly writing an hql query that will search a table for all the rows where certain …

nhibernate hql icriteria
Hibernate: Overriding mapping's EAGER in HQL?

It's possible to override LAZY in HQL using LEFT JOIN FETCH. FROM Obj AS obj LEFT JOIN FETCH obj.otherObj …

hibernate hql fetch lazy-evaluation eager
HQL Query on Set Property

Suppose that I have the following HBM mapping: <class name="Student" table="student"> <set name="classes" table="…

hibernate hql hbm
Hive - Varchar vs String , Is there any advantage if the storage format is Parquet file format

I have a HIVE table which will hold billions of records, its a time-series data so the partition is per …

hive hql parquet hcatalog
NHibernate HQL's Equivalent to T-SQL's TOP Keyword

What is NHibernate HQL's Equivalent to T-SQL's TOP Keyword? Also what is the non-HQL way for saying give me the …

.net nhibernate orm hql