Top "Hmac" questions

In cryptography, HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a specific construction for calculating a message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret key.

HMAC-based one time password in C# (RFC 4226 - HOTP)

I am attempting to wrap my brain around generating a 6 digit/character non case sensitive expiring one-time password. My source …

c# hmac one-time-password
Create OAuth Signature with HMAC-SHA1 Encryption returns HTTP 401

The Question I need to authenticate to an API which needs OAuth encryption. I'm in the right direction but I …

c# .net http oauth hmac
Python 3 hash HMAC-SHA512

I'm writing a bot for The public methods all work fine, but the Trading API …

python python-3.x hash hmac sha512
PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA2 test vectors

There are test vectors for PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 in RFC6070. There are test vectors for HMAC-SHA2 in RFC4231. But so far …

cryptography hmac sha2 pbkdf2
Generate a 10-digit TOTP password with a certain key

This problem is related to TOTP as specified in RFC6238 here: I am …

java encryption hmac password-encryption one-time-password
Hash value generation using hmac/sha512 in java and c#

in c# public static string HashToString(string message, byte[] key) { byte[] b=new HMACSHA512(key).ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)); …

c# java hash hmac sha512
URL Signing with HMAC or OpenSSL

I'm interested in url signing (e.g. http://.../?somearg=value&anotherarg=anothervalue&sig=aSKS9F3KL5xc), but …

url verification signing private-key hmac
Generate HMAC SHA256 signature Python

Trying to generate HMAC SHA256 signature for 3Commas, I use the same parameters from the official example, it should generate: "30…

python python-3.x hmac
how to get Hmac code with javascript

I can get a hmac sing using Python as following: import hmac, base64, hashlib def make_sign(): hash_data = "data" …

javascript jquery hmac sha512
How does one generate an HMAC string in Elixir?

I'm attempting to write an Amazon Product Advertising API client in Elixir. The developer guide describes the process for signing …

hmac sha256 otp elixir amazon-product-api