I'm interested in url signing (e.g. http://.../?somearg=value&anotherarg=anothervalue&sig=aSKS9F3KL5xc), but I have a few requirements which have left me without a solution yet.
or Python
for pages, so I'll need to be able to sign and verify a signature using one of the two.somearg=value&anotherarg=anothervalue
)My first instinct was to use OpenSSL, e.g. with a RSA keypair, to do something along the lines of signing by: openssl rsautl -sign -inkey private.pem -in sensitive -out privsigned
and verifying based on the privsigned
data and key ONLY: openssl rsautl -verify -inkey public.pem -in privsigned -pubin
Using PHP's openssl_get_privatekey()
and openssl_sign()
signs the data just fine, but I need to know the (decrypted!) data in order to verify (which I will not have): openssl_get_publickey()
and openssl_verify($data, $signature, $pubkeyid);
from http://php.net/openssl_verify.
Or am I missing something here?
So I looked into HMAC, but although many hash function are available in both Python
and PHP
, I'm baffled as to how I'd go about verifying the hash.
's hash_hmac()
allows me to create a hash using a "key" (or in this case a string-key). But how do I go about verifying that a hash is valid (i.e. &sig=
hasn't just been manually put in by the end user &sig=abcdefg1234
So to sum up (sorry for the long question): How can I verify that a signature/hash has been made by my server's (cert/string)key (given I can not verify by redoing the hash of said data)? And do you have any preferences as to which route I should chose, Priv/pub-key or HMAC?
Any pointers big or small is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,
As Henning Makholm pointed out, HMAC is a better choice than public key. There are some best practices you should consider for your particular scenario that will impact your choices:
When computing the signature, you'll need to encode it in a URL-friendly way (base64 and base32 are popular choices) and choose an HMAC algorithm (such as SHA-256), and decide how many bits of the signature you want to keep (truncating the HMAC value in half is usually safe). If you choose base64, beware of the different alphabets used by url-safe vs non-url-safe implementations.
Here is a pseudocode implementation (w/o error checking or salting etc) for signing path + query string:
const secret = ...;
def sign(path, querystring):
return path + "?" + querystring + "&sig=" + url_encode(base64_encode(hmacsha256(secret, path + "?" + querystring).truncate(16)))
def verify(path, querystring):
querystring_without_sig = remove_query_parameter(querystring, "sig")
sig = base64_decode(url_decode(get_query_parameter(querystring, "sig")))
if hmacsha256(secret, path + "?" + querystring_without_sig)[:16] != sig:
raise "invalid sig"
HMAC SHA256 is recommended and is available in all common languages.
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
return mac.doFinal(value.getBytes());
hmac.new(secret, input, hashlib.sha256).digest()
hash_hmac("sha256", value, secret);