Top "Hmac" questions

In cryptography, HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a specific construction for calculating a message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret key.

Is HMAC necessary if all API calls are made through https?

If all api calls are sent through https, does HMAC add any extra security? For example, in oauth 2, the client …

https oauth-2.0 hmac
How to implement HMAC-SHA1 algorithm in Qt

I'm trying to implement HMAC-SHA1 algorithm in my C++/Qt application. I have a method for Sha1 algorithm available, I …

c++ qt hash sha1 hmac
How to get Ruby generated HMAC for SHA256 that is url safe to match Java?

I have a tomcat server running some Java code that lets users authenticate using an API key. The request uses …

java ruby sha256 hmac
First data payment gateway integration soap fault error

Hi I am trying to integrate First data payment gateway integration in soap request method using php. I have downloaded …

php soap payment-gateway hmac firstdata
HMAC signing requests in Python

I'm trying to create an HMAC-SHA512 signed request for an API call in Python 3.4 using the requests library. I'm trying …

python python-requests hmac hashlib
React-Native + crypto : How to generate HMAC in React-Native?

I have tried crypto, which obviously doesn't work because it depends on node running. So, I turned to crypto-browserify, but …

cryptography react-native hmac