Top "Sha2" questions

SHA-384, and SHA-512.

Are there any SHA-256 javascript implementations that are generally considered trustworthy?

I am writing a login for a forum, and need to hash the password client side in javascript before sending …

hash javascript sha256 sha2
Check if my SSL Certificate is SHA1 or SHA2

I have tried to find the answer to this but I couldn't find an answer... How do I check if …

sha1 sha2
Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA family functions?

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA-1 or SHA-2 on "standard" laptop x86 hardware? I'm interested in …

hash cryptography md5 sha1 sha2
Java - Hash algorithms - Fastest implementations

I want to know what is the best and fastest implementation of hash algorithms for Java especially MD5 and SHA-2 512 (…

java hash md5 sha2
SHA-512 library for PHP

I am searching for any crypto library that provides SHA-512 hash. Googling around I found some but SHA-512 is absent. …

php sha2
SSL encryption, SHA-1 and SHA-2

I am trying to implement SHA-2 encryption instead of SHA-1. For this, I know that the number of bits between …

encryption ssl sha1 hash-function sha2
Why chose SHA512 over SHA384?

SHA384 is a truncated version of SHA512. But why would anyone use it? And corollary: if SHA384 is just as …

hash digest integrity sha512 sha2
get SHA256 hash of public key

I have a certificate mycert.pem . I got the public key of the certificate by command: openssl x509 -pubkey -noout …

openssl sha256 sha sha2
How many SHA256 hashes can a modern computer compute?

I want to know the mathematical time required for cracking hashes based off different sets of characters. For example, using …

hash cpu sha2
Hashing a password using SHA256 and .NET/Node.js

Im Storing SHA256 hashes of user passwords in my database generated by .NET and I need to be able to …

javascript .net node.js hash sha2