Top "High-level" questions

Which programming languages aren't considered high-level?

In informatics theory I hear and read about high-level and low-level languages all time. Yet I don't understand why this …

programming-languages low-level high-level
What are the disadvantages of using high-level languages?

I take that the obvious advantages are maintainability, programmer-friendliness etc. but what are the disadvantages? Is the compiler being put …

low-level high-level
Are Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Forth high level programming languages?

Are Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Forth high level programming languages? And if not, what where the first high level programming …

fortran terminology basic forth high-level
Difference between Machine code and Object Code

I'm in the middle of my a levels and im doing some revision for my Computing exam. I was wondering …

execution machine-code high-level object-code