In informatics theory I hear and read about high-level and low-level languages all time.
Yet I don't understand why this is still relevant as there aren't any (relevant) low-level languages except assembler in use today.
So you get:
Definitely not low-level
And if assembler is low-level, how could you put for example C into the same list. I mean: C is extremely high-level compared to assembler. Same even for COBOL, Fortran, etc.
You will find that
many of the truths we cling to depend upon our own point of view.
For a C programmer, Assembler is a low-level language. For a Java programmer, C is a low-level language and so on.
I suspect the folks programming the first stored-program computer with 1s and 0s would have thought Assembler a high-level language. It's all relative.
(Quote from Return of the Jedi)