Top "Forth" questions

Forth is a dynamic, procedural, stack based programming language developed by Charles Moore.

Is Forth still in use? If so, how and where?

A long time ago I remember thinking that the Forth programming language was pretty cool. I really haven't heard anything …

programming-languages forth
What implementation of Forth should I use for learning Forth?

I want to start learning Forth (like in the related Stack Overflow question Is it practical to learn and use …

ide forth
What are the primitive Forth operators?

I'm interested in implementing a Forth system, just so I can get some experience building a simple VM and runtime. …

operators interpreter vm-implementation forth
Examples of very concise Forth applications?

In this talk, Chuck Moore (the creator of Forth) makes some very bold, sweeping claims, such as: "Every application that …

Are Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Forth high level programming languages?

Are Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Forth high level programming languages? And if not, what where the first high level programming …

fortran terminology basic forth high-level