Additional functionality not defined in a class that the helper operates on.
I have a typical search facility in my app which returns a list of results that can be paginated, sorted, …
ruby-on-rails parameters routing helpersI'm creating a helper to be used by Formtastic but I get the undefined local variable or method error. I …
ruby-on-rails ruby helpers activeadminI'm trying to build some unit tests for testing my Rails helpers, but I can never remember how to access …
ruby-on-rails ruby helpersThis seems like a noob question, but the simple answer is eluding me. I need to call link_to in …
ruby-on-rails helpers actionview link-to mixinsIs it possible to call helper methods from controller? If yes how to do this in Rails 3?
ruby-on-rails-3 controller helpersI wrote a simple helper for my template. Here's the code: Handlebars.registerHelper('splitQuote', function (string) { if (string.indexOf('|…
javascript handlebars.js helpersI'm trying to apply a class to the form generated by button_to in Rails 3. The :class option sets the …
ruby-on-rails css ruby-on-rails-3 helpers actionviewI'm trying to create a helper method for my admin links. In quite a few views I have the code &…
ruby-on-rails dynamic path helpersQuick question. How can I test a word to see if it is singular or plural? I'd really like: test_…
ruby-on-rails helpers pluralize singularI'd like to create my own helper but can't find any help on Google for Symfony 1.4/Doctrine. I guess it …
symfony1 symfony-1.4 helpers