I wrote a simple helper for my template. Here's the code:
Handlebars.registerHelper('splitQuote', function (string) {
if (string.indexOf('|') !== -1) {
return string.replace('|', '<span>') + '</span>';
return string;
So I pass a string, and split the string by '|' character. I also want to put second part into span tags.
Problem is, the result that is being returned is pure text, so I get span tags like a text, not HTML.
Does anyone know what's the catch?
You don´t need to use SafeString
. Instead, use the "triple moustaches" from handlebar:
From Handlebars web site, HTML Escaping section:
Handlebars HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}. If you don't want Handlebars to escape a value, use the "triple-stash", {{{.
So, a simple triple quote in your html will avoid escaping: