I am leveraging handlebars.js for my templating engine and am looking to make a conditional segment display only if it is the last item in array contained in the templates configuration object.
columns: [{<obj>},{<obj>},{<obj>},{<obj>},{<obj>}]
I've already pulled in a helper to do some equality/greater/less-than comparisons and have had success identifying the initial item this way but have had no luck accessing my target array's length.
Handlebars.registerHelper('compare', function(lvalue, rvalue, options) {...})
"{{#each_with_index columns}}"+
"<div class='{{#equal index 0}} first{{/equal}}{{#equal index ../columns.length()}} last{{/equal}}'>"+
Does anyone know a shortcut, different approach, and some handlebars goodness that will keep me from having to tear into the handlebars.js engine to determine best course?
Since Handlebars 1.1.0, first and last has become native to the each helper. See ticket #483.
The usage is like Eberanov's helper class:
{{#each foo}}
<div class='{{#if @first}}first{{/if}}{{#if @last}} last{{/if}}'>{{@key}} - {{@index}}</div>