Top "Height" questions

The property which determines the size of an object on the Y-axis.

XSL-FO: Set fixed block height

Is there any way I can set a fixed height for a block regardless of the content within it? I …

height block xsl-fo
XHTML HTML element with 100% height causing scrollbars

In my CSS file I use this: html,body{height:100%;padding:0;margin:0;border:0;} Which causes a vertical scrollbar to appear …

html xhtml height vertical-scroll
Height of ListView fills the whole screen, although set as wrap_content

i have this ListView inside a LinearLayout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="…

android listview height tablelayout
Snackbar duration and height

I'm trying to show a snackbar. After I click on a gesture detector, this snack has two buttons. The problem …

flutter height duration snackbar
Two divs on top op each other, together exact height 100% + lower div scrollable

I'm stuck with this problem: I have a div (#container) which contains two divs. The height of the container should …

css html height scrollable
Let WPF Tabcontrol height assume height of largest item?

Is there any way to have to tabcontrol take the size of the largest tab item (well, actually, the tabitem's …

wpf height tabcontrol multibinding
UITableViewCell height resize when image is downloaded

I'm using UIImageView+AFNetworking category for async image loading. Everything works fine, but I've tried a couple of things and …

ios dynamic uitableview height afnetworking
C# Graphics.DrawString RectangleF Auto-Height: How to find that height?

I am writing text over an image using Graphics DrawString method, binding my text with a RectangleF. Here is my …

c# height drawstring
Get height of non-overflowed portion of div

Say I have a wrapper div with a overflow:hidden on it and a div inside that that spans far …

javascript height overflow offset
Make flash file scale to div width and maintain height according to its aspect ratio

We're having a problem to make a flash file scale 100% according to the parent div width, while still maintaining the …

html css flash height swfobject